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What to expect in your PGCE year?你将经历怎样的PGCE学习之旅?

What to expect in your PGCE year

By Holly Naismith,Head of PE and Games, Faculty of Education at the University of Buckingham

As I excitedly started my new role at the University of Buckingham in leading the Physical Education PGCE course last week, I have been drawn to the numerous tweets on twitter by trainee teachers seeking advice for their upcoming PGCE year. So, what better position as a new Head of cohort to offer some guidance to our budding young teachers ahead of September.

As cited by Ofsted in May 2022, the faculty of Education at the University of Buckingham offers an "ambitious and well-organised ITE curriculum, underpinned by educational theory and academic research" . With the academic rigour associated with PGCE courses it is important you start to read. Learn about the key educational theorists, sign up to websites such as Schools week, the Chartered College of Teaching and TES to keep up to date what is happening in education. Engage with the free materials on offer and read the Core Content Framework alongside the Teaching Standards. This outlines what you will be covering during your PGCE year and makes useful links to research that will support your academic work.

Organisation is key! Have a diary or teacher planner ready for the start of term and diarise key dates- essay deadlines, residentials, second school placement details and key document deadlines. Plan for the pinch points in your teaching year when you have a heavy PGCE workload alongside observations, reports and parent' s evenings! The year is busy but extremely rewarding and you will develop fundamental time management skills that will provide a foundation for managing your teaching career. It is important to find that work/ life balance early. Don' t make working a chore and have that intrinsic motivation in wanting to develop and grow as a teacher. Alongside that however make time to see friends and family and be active.

Ask for help! Develop a good and open relationship with your mentor and members of the department who can assist with lesson planning and developing your classroom craft. Have regular meetings with your mentor to monitor progress and use their expertise to develop your areas of improvement in teaching. Observing these more experienced colleagues is useful in taking bitesize elements of good practice and will help to build your own teaching style and identity.

Finally, enjoy being in the classroom and always relate back to those early motivations and desires in wanting to become a teacher. Ensure your lessons are well planned and innovative and are learner centred. There is no better feeling than finishing an excellent lesson in which pupils have learnt and shown progress and you have enjoyed teaching. Ensure you are professional in your approach- be early to lessons and dress professionally. My final comment would be to take all opportunities in school presented to you. Ensure you keep up to data with advancements in your subject area, attend CPD courses and observe other teachers. Good luck!


本期,英国白金汉大学教育学院体育教育部主任Holly Naismith女士跟我们聊聊在这个为期37周的项目中,学员将有怎样的经历,以及现在能做些什么,为未来的PGCE学习做好更充分的准备。


当我刚上任白金汉大学体育教育 PGCE 课程主管时,我很难忽略众多学员在推特上所发布的关于如何顺利完成未来一年的PGCE项目的咨询。我是这一届PGCE项目的负责人,可以给新晋教师们出出主意。

一、         为顺利完成PGCE课程, 你现在就该开始阅读

正如英国教育监督权威机构Ofsted(英国教育标准局)在2022年5月所论述的那样,白金汉大学教育学院提供了“雄心勃勃且组织良好的新晋教师培训课程,该项目以教育理论和学术研究为基础”。基于PGCE 课程的学术严谨性,你现在就开始阅读对于顺利完成课程很有必要。那么,阅读什么呢?

§   了解主要的教育理论

§   注册如Schools Week、Chartered College of Teaching和TES等网站,关注教育领域的最前沿动态

§   了解现有的免费材料并了解与英国教师职业标准相关的核心内容框架,这囊括了PGCE 中涵盖的内容,并为你未来的学术研究提供有用的支持

二、         做条理清晰的计划是关键

§   学期开始时准备好日记或日程表,并记下关键日期——论文截止日期、与导师会面的日期、第二学校安置细节和关键文件提交的截止日期。

§   提前为重点阶段做计划,比如当你有繁重的 PGCE 作业,但是同时又有其他诸如观察、报告和家长会等工作任务时!这一年将很忙,但也将收获颇丰,您将培养时间管理技能,这也将为管理好您的教学生涯奠定基础。

§   尽早找到工作/生活的平衡点很重要。不要让工作成为一件苦差事,要始终保有想要发展和成长为一名教师的内在动力。除此之外,还要抽出时间与朋友和家人见面并保持社交活跃。

三、         学会寻求他人的帮助


四、         享受在课堂上的乐趣,并始终不忘成为一名教师的初心




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