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Study at the University of Buckingham with BISE, China

The University of Buckingham's School of Education is the leading provider of teacher training for the independent school sector in the UK and worldwide. In China, Buckingham International School of Education (BISE) works with the University of Buckingham in England to provide high-quality teacher training and education programmes for teachers and school leaders at all career stages.

Our mission is to provide high-quality teacher training and education to teachers and educational leaders at international and bilingual schools across China, through a range of internationally recognised teaching qualifications, including PGCE, MA Education and Postgraduate Diploma.

Through British pedagogy and philosophy, BISE focuses on combining the best of western and Chinese education by adding international teaching skills to those competencies already found in the Chinese system to cultivate future leaders in international education.

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Buckingham International School of Education - Training Teachers Across The World

白金汉大学国际教育学院 - 培养面向世界的教师

‘It has been an amazing learning journey with BISE and it was the best decision I could have made for my future career in teaching, especially while working in China.’

----Ezzat Ali from PGCE 2020-21 Cohort


----伊扎特·阿里,PGCE 2020-21届学生

‘Learning this course is like opening a door to our life, giving us the opportunity to maintain lifelong learning in the field of education and to increase the key opportunities for personal career planning.’

——Chunk Zhang from PGCE 2020-21 Cohort


——张诗坤,PGCE 2020-21届学生

‘The MEd should have a tangible application to me in my new job and role by deepening my understanding of leadership and helping guide me through the steps I will need to take in starting out in my first Headship.’

——Kerry Legg from MEd 2021-22 Cohort


——凯莉·莱格,教育领导力与管理硕士 2021-22届学生

Why choose us?

1. High-quality courses that don’t take much time away from school. Classes are delivered in short ‘bursts’, and further learning and support is offered by mentors/tutors over the course of the programmes.

2. Official degree, diploma or certificate issued by the University of Buckingham, one of the largest teacher trainers in the UK.

3. High calibre academic staff involved in the development and delivery of the courses.

4. Wide range of courses, including PGCE &QTS, Master Degrees, Mentoring and Leadership Programmes, from initial teacher training to leadership training.

5. Qualifications available fully online. 

Find your courses


1. 高质量的课程,不需要花太多时间离开学校。课堂以短期 "爆发 "的方式进行,导师/辅导员在课程中提供进一步学习和支持。

2. 英国最大的教师培训机构之一白金汉大学颁发的正式学位、文凭或证书。

3. 参与课程开发和授课的学术人员的资深阅历和实践经验

4. 学生可以通过的课程循序渐进,从最初的教师培训到领导岗位(包括PGCE和QTS,众多教育硕士课程,导师课程和领导力课程)

5. 在线授课+合理的价格


News & Events


BISE Articles, News

  • Upcoming Webinar | International Teacher Training & CPD
    10 二月 20252025/02/10

    Upcoming Webinar | International Teacher Training & CPD活动预告 | 国际教培项目线上宣讲会

    Are you considering a career in international education or looking to enhance your teaching qualif...

  • Upcoming Webinar | International Training Admission Workshop
    05 十二月 20242024/12/05

    Upcoming Webinar | International Training Admission Workshop活动预告 | 国际教培项目线上宣讲会

    Are you considering advancing your teaching career or starting your journey as an educator? BISE i...

  • The University of Buckingham Annual Reception 2024 Highlights
    21 十一月 20242024/11/21

    The University of Buckingham Annual Reception 2024 Highlights活动回顾 | 白金汉大学及白金汉国际教育学院2024年度招待会

    On November 9th, the Buckingham International School of Education (BISE) and the University of Buc...

  • Upcoming | The University of Buckingham Annual Reception 2024
    29 十月 20242024/10/29

    Upcoming | The University of Buckingham Annual Reception 2024活动预告 | 英国白金汉大学2024年度招待会

    We are delighted to invite you to join a special lecture and dinner reception hosted by the Buckin...


