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Entry Requirements

While there are some variations in terms of entry requirements for the programmes we’re offering, all applicants need to meet the following requirements to be eligible: 

  • You must hold a Bachelor's Degree, or a Master's Degree (if you're applying for the doctorate programme)
  • For any degrees completed outside of the UK, you will need a 'Statement of Comparability' from ENIC.
  • If you are not from an English-speaking country or your academic degree was not delivered in English, you will be required to provide an evidence of English Language proficiency. Information of accepted tests and minimum scores are provided here. Doctorate applicants may be waived of this requirement at the discretion of the university.

Different courses require different levels of engagement with education. To be eligible to take PGCE and AO QTS, you will need to currently be employed as a teacher and meet additional requirements regarding teaching hours and class sizes. Master's programmes simply require you to be working in an educational context, which can apply to a wide range of circumstances. The doctorate programme requires applicants to have a minimum of 3 years'experience working in the education sector.

For the complete information of the entry requirements for different programmes, please refer to the individual course pages.



  • 您必须持有学士学位或硕士学位(如果您正在申请博士学位课程)。
  • 对于在英国以外的国家完成的学位,您需要 ENIC机构出具的学历转换认证。
  • 如果您不是来自英语国家或您的学位不是全英语授课,您将需要提供英语语言能力证明。点击此处了解大学接受的英语成绩分数要求。除特殊情况外,大学将免除博士申请者的这一要求。

要获得申请 PGCE 和 AO QTS 的资格,您需要是现任在职的教师并满足有关教学时间和班级规模的额外要求;
而博士课程要求申请人至少有 3 年在教育领域工作的经验。


Buckingham International School of Education - Training Teachers Across The World

白金汉大学国际教育学院 - 培养面向世界的教师