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MA Education (Evidence Based Practice)



Start date

15 Months

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

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Never has there been a time when the relationship between practice and research in Education has been under such scrutiny. This course enables students to complete a master’s dissertation and to link this study to the way evidence-based practice has been integrated into Education. It not only allows you to engage with Educational Research, it provides an opportunity to evaluate the application of key topics in schools today.

The MA in Education (Evidence Based Practice) will prepare you to critically analyse, engage in and reflect on educational research and evaluate the implications within your own educational setting. You will be expected to develop your ability to explore what it means to be a critically reflective practitioner.

By taking on this fresh challenge within your teaching career, you will acquire a new set of skills as you engage in a range of arguments and learn to become critical of them, synthesise arguments, and develop your own critical and authoritative voice.
As you will be studying in an area that you have a genuine interest in, you will be making a valuable investment in yourself as a person, and your discoveries are therefore more likely have a positive and impactful affect in the workplace. In a sector where ideas are always evolving and new research is continuously coming into effect, this Master’s, will equip you with the latest insights and research.

Course Highlights

The MA in Education (Evidence Based Practice) provides a unique opportunity to reflect on your own practice and improve what you do. You will navigate the newest challenges in education and develop your critical reflection of your own practice.

By completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Engage with issues in the application of research to practice.
  • Develop a critical understanding of relevant literature.
  • Understand what is expected of Level 7 Academic Writing.
  • Learn how to navigate the topic of research methodology.
  • Plan a piece of research that can contribute to debates.
  • Understand the ethical implications of being a researcher.
  • Become a desirable candidate within your workplace and to future employers as you appear driven with the latest research and ideas.

Course breakdown

Throughout this course, you will complete a number of modules enabling you to develop your understanding both of the research process as well as your topic of interest relating to education. The second module will enable you to grapple with the discussions surrounding evidence based practice and you will be able to use this for your own work. Please view the Curriculum Handbook to see further details about the modules.

During this time, you will also critically engage with scholarship, which informs your dissertation, and you will learn about different research methods. You will be expected to read widely around your subject area.

The course culminates in the production of a 12,000-15,000-word dissertation with a suitable research focus.

Course delivery

Every master’s student is allocated a supervisor who you will be supported by for each module. Communication will take place at times that are suitable for you both, over channels such as Teams, Zoom or email. You will also have access to regular online study sessions throughout the course.
There are induction sessions to introduce you to how the course will run; on application you will receive a choice of dates where you will indicate when you will attend.
When the course starts, you will have access to MOODLE, the University’s online learning platform. You will then access the course handbook and all resources needed for successful completion of the course. In the handbook there is a week-by-week guide which will indicate what work is expected that week. This will either be:

  • A recorded film to watch
  • A reading
  • A podcast with accompanying literature
  • Independent study towards a module
  • A live Twilight session

The Twilight sessions are recorded and shared on MOODLE once the session is complete. These Twilights are optional in terms of attendance as we know that many people struggle to be available at certain times. However, all these sessions are recorded and should then be watched after the live event. This means that as you progress through the course you end up having access to library of videos that you can re-visit, to support you to a successful outcome.

Assessment methods

The course consists of a number of engaging modules, including one which questions the legitimacy of an evidence-based practice approach.

With a view to improving the candidate’s own professional practice or that of others, you will critically engage with literature, which goes on to inform a research project to explore an educational issue.

The study culminates in a dissertation involving a candidate’s own project in their school or research in a wider field of education. The focus of this dissertation will examine the research linked to an area of the student’s own interest.

It is important to understand that you, as a Master’s student, will be expected to work independently and you are expected to fully engage with the guidance provided to complete the required modules.

Entry requirements

To apply for this course, you must:

  • have a bachelor’s degree
  • be working at a school

International applicants must have IELTS, TOEFL or another equivalent qualification with the scores accepted by the University as per the link below:

English Language Requirements


Tuition fee: £5,000
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

Fees are invoiced for in September, at the beginning of the course, and can be paid in termly instalments or in one lump sum. Termly instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Please click the APPLY button to submit your application. Admissions for September 2025 intake will close on 31 July 2025.

*Depending on the readiness of supporting documents, applications might be still accepted on a case by case basis. Please contact our admissions officer Tracy ([email protected]) for confirmation. 

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课程亮点: 教育硕士(循证实践)课程提供了独特的机会,让您能够反思自己的实践并加以改进。您将应对教育领域最新的挑战,发展对自身实践的批判性反思能力。


  • 参与研究到实践应用过程中的各项议题
  • 培养对相关文献的批判性理解
  • 理解硕士水平课程 (Level 7) 学术写作的要求
  • 学习如何掌握研究方法论
  • 规划能够为学术辩论做出贡献的研究
  • 理解作为研究者的伦理含义
  • 通过掌握最新研究成果和理念,成为工作单位和未来雇主眼中理想的人选








  • 观看录制的电影
  • 阅读材料
  • 带有伴随文献的播客
  • 独立学习模块
  • 录播课程








学费: £5,000



请点击"申请"按钮提交您的申请。课程将于2025年9月开始, 申请截止日为7月31日。

如有申请人在截止日期前无法提交部分证明文书,请联系[email protected]以确认最后的宽限时间。
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