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MEd Educational Leadership and Management



Start date

1.5 Years

Course duration


Course fees



1.5 年




Course information

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The Masters of Education in Educational Leadership and Management course is administered by the University of Buckingham. It is distance-learning with the expectation that the students will complete a total of 8 trainee study days, also online, over the course of the 18 months. These will be followed by an online discussion as well as an essay. 

Every master’s student is allocated a supervisor. You will regularly communicate for example, via Teams, Zoom, email or another online meeting platform with your supervisor at times that are suitable for you both, to support each module. You will also have access to regular online study sessions throughout the course. There is an induction session early on to introduce you to how the course will run, then there are twilight sessions UK time, during the year to support you with each module and with additional sessions to aid with the completion of the dissertation. The majority of these are optional in terms of attendance as we know that many people struggle to be available at certain times. However, all these sessions are recorded and can be watched after the live event. This means that as you progress through the course you end up having access to a library of videos that you can re-visit, to support you to a successful outcome. It is important to understand that you, as a master’s student, will be expected to work independently and to use the guidance provided to complete the required modules.

What is the point of doing a Master’s in Educational Leadership and Management when I have a PGCE or am an experienced teacher?

  1. Professionals do not stop learning at any stage in their working lives.  Doctors and lawyers, for example, have to have regular refresher courses.  In the same way teachers are primarily trained to teach and so to move onto Middle and Senior Leadership positions brings a whole new set of responsibilities and challenges to navigate.  This programme will enable you to take on those challenges with confidence.
  2. Not only will you learn about recent research in education, but you will also learn how to research yourself.
  3. Having taken the trouble to gain this qualification will show your employer and future employers that you are a serious, professional employee.  The course will equip you with the ability to talk about particular areas of leadership with acquired knowledge and experience.
  4. You will find the course intellectually stimulating as a whole new area of study will be opened up to you.

Course content

The course is distance-learning with the expectation that you will attend a total of 8 trainee study days over the course of the 18 months. These will be followed by further online discussions as well as an essay. Throughout the programme, each student will be assigned a supervisor who will support them through the assignments and with the final dissertation.  The course covers the following topics:

Module 1 The Leadership Landscape: Role, Responsibilities and Relationships. This module sets the MEd in the broader context of the range of theory that currently exists relating to Educational Leadership and Management.  We will consider how this is reflected in different forms of leadership within schools.  We will look at what it means to want to be a leader and how leadership is often portrayed in conflict with management.  The course will also look at your role as a reflective practitioner and how this can enhance your understanding of the course.

Module 2 Leadership in Action: Making Changes. This module introduces the concept of change management and its place within educational leadership. This is linked to the challenges facing schools today and ways in which the educational landscape has changed over the last fifty years.  This module looks at the different ways in which leaders can bring change about in their institutions and how this links to the different kinds of contexts that you can find in modern schools. An understanding of these processes includes practical applications to modern leadership challenges, for example with regard to finance and funding concerns.

Module 3 Developing Strategy. The module begins with a focus on different styles of leadership and the effect that this would have on decision-making in schools.  This is then linked to a unit on managing people, whether this is working with staff or with the parental community.  The module looks at managing underperformance and connects this back to work on change management.  Strategic thinking is looked at and how this links to organisational structures and whether there are alternative ways of this being organised. The module links all of this to teaching and learning issues and how leadership is linked to pedagogy.  The research project is introduced in more detail at this point.

Module 4 Researching Leadership and Management. The focus of this module is the development of the research project in relation to each student’s educational context.  This looks at research topics such as finding your critical voice, exploring research paradigms and methodologies, how data can be analysed and confidence in relation to ethics and validity.  The project is set in the context of the educational leadership academic community and the implications for the immediate and wider settings.  These issues are linked to educational research and the organisations that exist looking at these topics.

Module 5 Dissertation. This is the culmination of the programme and the production of a 12,000-15,000-word dissertation.  The students will work independently on this whilst also being supported by their supervisor and with the option of attending online webinars.

Course delivery

Fully online including online live meetings with the tutor.

Entry requirements

To apply for this course, you must:

-have a degree from a UK University (2.2 or above) or equivalent
-be working in a school or educational environment

To enroll on the course you are likely to be an experienced graduate teacher who is either currently aspiring to leadership or is already in a leadership role. 

All international applicants, who do not hold a GCSE grade C/4 or above in English Language, must have IELTS or TOEFL certificate with scores accepted by the University as per the link below:

English Language Requirements


Tuition Fee: £5,500
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

How to apply

Please use the ‘Apply' button to process. The closing date for applications is 12 July 2024.

 *Depending on the readiness of supporting documents, applications might be still accepted on a case by case basis. Please contact our admissions officer Tracy ([email protected]) for confirmation. 

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1.    专业人士在他们职业生涯的任何阶段都不会停止学习。例如,医生和律师必须定期进修课程。同样,教师也需要像教育硕士这样的认知和学术框架,在这个框架内,他们可以了解教育领域的最新研究,并思考是否可以在他们所从事的领域做得更好。

2.    您不仅会学习到最新的研究成果,还会学到如何去做研究。

3.    完成这一学位课程,将向您的学校和未来的雇主学校表明您是一个认真的专业人士。课程也会赋予您知识储备和经验,让您更专业的探讨领导力及其相关领域。

4.    这是一门很有启发性的课程,并为您展现初一个全新的学习领域。



模块一  领导力格局: 角色、责任和关系


模块二 实践中的领导力: 做出改变


模块三 发展战略


模块四 研究式的领导力和管理


模块五 学术论文







English Language Requirements






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