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About BISE

Buckingham International School of Education (BISE) works with the School of Education, University of Buckingham in England.

Our mission is to provide high quality teacher training and education for both new teachers and more seasoned practitioners. BISE aims to combine the best of western and Asian education by adding international teaching skills to those competencies already found in the Chinese system.

The School of Education at the University of Buckingham was founded in 2002. With over 1,300 teachers and school leaders studying there in any one year, the School of Education has become one of Britain’s leading providers of teacher training and professional development. The School is led by Professor Barnaby Lenon CBE who, as headmaster of Harrow School, started two schools in China. He and his team have a wealth of experience globally and in China to offer schools and individual trainees.

BISE in collaboration with the University of Buckingham provides a range of options for China based teachers:

  • The International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS) offers teachers based in schools outside the UK who have not undergone a period of formal training the opportunity to participate in a structured programme of professional development leading to a teaching qualification. The iQTS will automatically be converted into the standard QTS by the UK Government. The University of Buckingham is one of a small number of universities granted permission by the UK government to offer the iQTS course to teachers outside the UK, from September 2023. 
  • The PGCE for International Trainees is suitable for new entrants to the profession as well as those seeking to diversify their pedagogical skills. It is shaped around the acclaimed PGCE used by leading independent schools in the UK and delivered fully online. This is a demanding course but has been proven globally to improve the quality of a trainee’s teaching with a full programme of practice, observation, mentoring, reflection and academic study.
  • BISE also provides an opportunity to gain the UK’s Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) via an Assessment Only route. This builds seamlessly from the University of Buckingham PGCE course as the next step in the career progression for those candidates who meet the criteria set out by the UK Department for Education.  
  • BISE will in the future be offering courses to upskill practitioners in aspects of international pedagogy and leadership. Currently we offer a short-course and certification in Mentoring, primarily for those supporting PGCE trainees.
  • There is also a full series of MA degree courses and Postgraduate Certificates on offer to students in China – Masters in Education, in Residential Education, in Teaching and Learning, in Leadership and Management, as well as a certificate in Special Educational Needs Coordination. BISE is looking to support the theory and practice of building bilingual schools in China.

For further details, please contact [email protected].





英国白金汉大学教育学院成立于2002年,是英国领先的教师培训和专业发展机构,每年有超过1300名教师和学校管理层人员在此深造。学院现任院长Barnaby Lenon教授曾任英国哈罗公学校长,并在中国创办了两所哈罗分校。他的教学团队熟谙中国和海外院校的需求,在学校教学专业度提升和教师职业发展两方面均有丰富的实践经验。


  • 国际英国教师资格证(iQTS项目面向在英国以外教书且尚未接受过正式教师培训的老师们提供系统化的专业发展机会。学员成功完成课程学习后将首先取得国际英国教师资格证(iQTS),该认证将由英国政府自动转换为英国教师资格证(QTS)。作为首批获得英国政府授权的极少数大学之一,白金汉大学自2023年9月起提供面向海外教师的国际英国教师资格证(iQTS)课程。
  • 教师资格研究生证书课程-国际学员(PGCE for International Trainees)既适合新晋教师,也适合追求教学技能多样化的资深教师。该课程以英国一流私校所使用的广受好评的 PGCE 为蓝本,并在此基础上完全线上化教学。本课程能够通过全面的实践、观察、指导、反思和学术研究来提高学员的教学质量,其严谨的课程体系已在全球范围内得到认可。
  • BISE也提供通过评估路径获得英国教师资格证AO QTS的机会。对于符合英国教育部要求的学员来说,这一QTS课程将无缝对接白金汉大学的PGCE课程,帮助PGCE课程毕业生实现职业进阶。
  • BISE近期也将启动短期系列课程,为有提升国际教学法、领导力等专项技能需求的教师提供解决方案。目前我们向资深教师及学校领导者提供短期导师(mentoring)培训课程,完成相关培训的导师将有机会指导PGCE课程学员的学习。
  • 此外,我们还提供一系列完整的硕博学位课程和研究生证书课程,包括教育学硕士、寄宿制教育、教与学、领导力与管理以及特殊教育等方向。BISE致力于支持中国双语学校的理论和实践建设。

更多详情,请联系[email protected]

Buckingham International School of Education - Training Teachers Across The World

白金汉大学国际教育学院 - 培养面向世界的教师