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MA Education



Start date

1 year

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

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MA Education (Fully Online) is a one-year, part-time course offered and administered by the University of Buckingham. It is aimed at teachers and school leaders looking to develop expertise in the field of education through critical evaluation of research and scholarship.

This is one of the most popular Masters courses of its type in the UK and the largest Masters course in the university. University of Buckingham accept students from all round the world who appreciate the opportunity to follow their own interests while being given clear guidance about the requirements of a serious level 7 academic qualification.

You will complete a number of modules enabling you to develop your understanding both of the research process as well as your topic of interest. The culmination of the MA is a 12,000 to 15,000-word dissertation. You will also critically engage with scholarship, which informs your dissertation, and you will learn about different research methods. You will be expected to read widely around your subject area. Following this course helps to develop your critical thinking and your ability to present a written argument.

What is the point of doing an MA when I have a PGCE or am an experienced teacher?

  • Professionals do not stop learning at any stage in their working lives.  Doctors and lawyers, for example, have to have regular refresher courses.  In the same way, teachers need a framework like an MA within which to learn about recent research in education and be prompted to consider whether they could be even better at what they do.
  • Not only will you learn about recent research in education, but you will also learn how to do research yourself.
  • Having taken the trouble to gain this qualification will show your employer and future employers that you are a serious, professional employee.
  • You will find the course intellectually stimulating.

Course content

The course includes:

  • Engaging with issues in Education
  • Developing a critical understanding of relevant literature
  • Understanding what is expected of Level 7 Academic Writing
  • Learning how to navigate the topic of research methdology
  • Planning your dissertation
  • Understanding the ethical implications of being a researcher

Course delivery

Every Master's student is allocated a supervisor. You will regularly communicate for example, via Teams, Zoom, Email or another online meeting platform with your supervisor at times that are suitable for you both, to support each module. You will also have access to regular online study sessions throughout the course.

There are induction sessions to introduce you to how the course will run – on application you will receive a choice of dates where you will indicate when you will attend.

When the course start you will have access to MOODLE, the University’s online learning platform and from there you will access the course handbook and all resources needed for successful completion of the course. In the handbook there is a week by week guide which will indicate what work is expected that week. This will either be:

  • a recorded film to watch
  • a reading
  • a podcast with accompanying literature
  • independent study towards a module
  • a Twilight session which will be live, but recorded and shared on Moodle after the date. These Twilights are optional in terms of attendance as we know that many people struggle to be available at certain times. However, all these sessions are recorded and should then be watched after the live event. This means that as you progress through the course you end up having access to library of videos that you can re-visit, to support you to a successful outcome.

It is important to understand that you, as a Master’s student, will be expected to work independently and you are expected to fully engage with the guidance provided to complete the required modules.

What will I gain?

  1. You will acquire a new set of skills. You are required to engage with a wide range of arguments and be prepared to be critical of them, to synthesise arguments and perhaps most importantly to develop your own critical voice.
  2. A fresh challenge can stop you becoming stale. Once you have been teaching for a while you can easily build up a lot of experience and expertise with the delivery of your work. Whilst it is great to be able to build upon that confidence it can also mean that you can become comfortable. This can mean, although not always, that you can become stale and possibly even out of date with your thinking. Ideas are always changing in Education; new research is always coming into effect and sometimes it is easy to fall behind and not be aware of new ideas. By undertaking a Master’s it will keep you fresh and up to date.
  3. Research gives you an authoritative voice. As you develop your critical voice it becomes even more possible for you to speak confidently on a range of issues. This can give you a real boost, opening up new career opportunities to you.
  4. You will connect with people outside of your comfort zone. Engaging with a Master’s programme enables you to connect to a whole new group of people. These can be people we can then network with not only across the country, but across the globe.
  5. You can study something you are genuinely interested in. Lots of people have different areas of interest, or problems they want to solve, or challenges they want to face, and these are often a product of the work and experience that you bring to the course. It is a great idea to work to discover more about these particular areas of interest and even to become an expert on that topic. This too might seem indulgent, but the great thing about carrying out research in Education is that there is a good chance that your discoveries can have a positive impact in the workplace.
  6. It is an investment in yourself. Not necessarily in the monetary sense, it is more about thinking about yourself, the kind of person you are and what you want out of life. Are there things that you want to investigate further? It is about recognising the complexity of our identities in that we are more than our jobs and that we have a lot to offer the world. Spending the time (and money) on taking part in a Master’s programme is worth it if you want to develop yourself and the way that you think.

Should I do the MA in Education or the MA in Education (Evidence-Based Practice)?

The MA in Education (Evidence-based Practice) is a full 180 Masters course, therefore takes more time to complete and has more of a focus on evidence-based practice. As it is 180 credits which means you can get a student loan in England. If you have credits you wish to bring with you, then you may wish to opt for the MA in Education or MA in Residential Education – the topic of focus is up to you (with agreement from us).


Entry requirements

All applicants are required to have a bachelor’s degree and to be currently working at a school or another education organization.

In addition, the candidate must have either:

  • Route 1* – Route 1* – PGCE with 60 Master’s credits at level 7 from The University of Buckingham or another university (if completed within ten years of the proposed start date of the course) OR
  • Route 2* – PGCE at level 6 or BSA Diploma (which is a helpful route into Master’s study) an additional module (a bridging unit) of study will be provided.

You will also need to have IELTS 6.5 (with 6.0 or above in each component) or equivalent English level qualification with the scores accepted by the University as per the link below:

English Language Requirements


Tuition Fee: £4,000
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

Fees are invoiced for in September, at the beginning of the course, and can be paid in termly installments or in one lump sum. Termly instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Please click the APPLY button to submit your application. Admissions for September 2025 intake will close on 31 July 2025.

*Depending on the readiness of supporting documents, applications might be still accepted on a case by case basis. Please contact our admissions officer Tracy ([email protected]) for confirmation. 

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  • 文献研究
  • 关于文献研究和批判性评价的学术写作
  • 研究模式
  • 课题/毕业论文策划与设计
  • 教育研究中的道德标准





  • 观看录制的电影
  • 阅读材料
  • 带有伴随文献的播客
  • 独立学习模块
  • 录播课程






  • 自项目开学日前的十年内获得的白金汉大学或其他大学的PGCE证书并达到了level 7等级,获得60个硕士水平学分。
  • 自项目开学日前的十年内获得的白金汉大学或其他大学的PGCE证书并达到了level 6 等级,获得30个硕士水平学分;或者拥有BSA文凭。


English Language Requirements






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