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Paying the Fees

The course registration fee is 300 GBP to cover the administration costs of processing your application. The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

The tuition fees are invoiced for at the beginning of the course, and can be paid in termly instalments or in one lump sum. Termly instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department of the university upon receipt of the invoice.

All fees are to be paid directly to the University of Buckingham in the UK in GBP. Applicants are advised to use their own bank account to make the transfer if possible. If the fees are paid through someone else's bank account, it may take time and effort be locate your transaction. If you must use another bank account, please make sure to detail your name and surname in the payment reference.


课程注册费为 300 英镑,用于申请评估过程中发生的行政费用。 注册费不可退还且不可转让给他人。

我们将在课程开始时开具发票。学生可以选择按学期分期支付或一次性支付。 如需分期,收到发票后,可直接与大学财务部们联系确认分期付款方案。

所有费用以英镑直接支付给英国白金汉大学。 如有可能,建议申请人使用自己的银行账户进行转账,以节省查找交易记录的时间。如果费用是通过其他人的银行账户支付的,请务必在备注中提供申请人的全名及唯一的申请编号。

Buckingham International School of Education - Training Teachers Across The World

白金汉大学国际教育学院 - 培养面向世界的教师