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Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Educational Leadership



Start date

37 weeks

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

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Designed to be work-based, flexible and a practical programme, this module is designed to build upon the Postgraduate Certificate, or for those with an existing NASENCO qualification. This module is delivered by the University with Leadership Experts, SEND specialists, and in partnership with industry specialist, the SENsible SENCO, Abigail Hawkins. This provides you with the opportunity to learn from the most experienced and advanced Inclusion trainers in the world.

This diploma provides a fully online, high-quality and interactive programme. The experts that deliver lectures on this Diploma have supported thousands of schools and SENCOs, and their aim is to help SENCOs advance further, either within the world of SEND or to utilise what they have gained to develop within other fields.

The Diploma aims to enable teachers to develop their leadership competency and SEND knowledge through critical evaluation of research and scholarship and to integrate this with their own practice. Students will be able to analyse, engage in and reflect on these educational issues and on the implications for their own educational setting. In particular, the course will focus in the following areas:

  • Managing and Leading all different types of stakeholders
  • Helping schools to deal with complex and entrenched cases
  • Helping schools to deal with challenging parents
  • Training all staff to be fully inclusive
  • Cultural and organisational inclusive leadership

You will learn how to integrate theory and practice to support the development of these roles and in turn, learn how to improve positive outcomes for pupils with SEND.

This course is open to international colleagues who meet the entry requirements. The course lead and tutors are skilled at tailoring content to meet the needs of international colleagues, whilst also ensuring fidelity to the course programme.

Course Highlights

  • This is a work based, flexible and practical programme carefully crafted to support new and aspiring Inclusive SEND Leaders into developing critical, reflective and effective practices in their role.
  • We advocate inclusive practice and support SEND leaders in using critical reflection, research and tasks to improve provision and outcomes for vulnerable pupils.
  • You will be taught and supported by a highly skilled course leader and tutors who are experts in SEND provision.
  • Those who successfully complete this Diploma will gain 120 Level 7 credits and may go onto complete the full Masters by completing the dissertation module.

Course breakdown

The Diploma follows on from the Postgraduate Certificate and runs from the following September to May as you will cover two main units. Attendance is required at four online training sessions during the academic year.

The first unit, ‘Improving the Practice of the SEND Department’, explores the methods of increasing knowledge of needs and appropriate teaching strategies that can be used throughout the department. It also looks at ways in which inclusion can be increased across the educational setting and the contribution that can be made to improving outcomes.

This is followed by the ‘Developing Leadership expertise’ unit. This provides further delivery on the role that SENCO has an educational leader. There is practical input relating to key aspects such as resource planning and financial management, coping with conflict, working with parents, training and monitoring staff development.

Teaching methods

The course is delivered through a combination of seminars and tutorials with input from SEND and Leadership experts.

You will receive a week-by-week guide which will cover a range of different teaching methods including Webinars, Films, Readings and Independent Study. Trainees will meet virtually with their supervisor and engage in five reflective tasks to support understanding and application of the most effective and inclusive practice as a SENCO. You will be fully supported to develop your writing at Level 7 (Masters) standard and will receive training both in theory, developing practice and developing Leadership.

Assessment methods

An emphasis is put on students to be self-managed, completing work-based reflective tasks in relation to effectiveness in the role of a SEND Leader. Termly, online support is provided from an experienced tutor. You will complete an assessment at master’s level and professional reflections. All work can be completed through distance learning and is supported by online resources via the University’s Moodle platform.

During this time, you will also critically engage with scholarship, which will inform your assessments, and you will learn about different SEND and Leadership theories along with related strategies. You will be expected to read around your subject area but will also be provided with a large number of relevant resources to help you work through the course.

Students will be fully supported through training to be able to complete:

  • Five reflective tasks, each of 1500 words.
  • The module will work towards the completion of an assignment (8,000-10,000 words), which will bring together all aspects of the course. You will be fully supported in the organisation and planning of this module.

Entry requirements

To apply for this course, you must:

  • have a UK degree (2.2 or above).  If your degree is not from a UK university, you will also need to provide ENIC statatement of comparability.
  • be working as a mentor in an educational context
  • have good written and spoken English. This means you have either completed some of your education in English OR you have achieved an IELTS score of 6.5.
    English Language Requirements


Tuition fee: £6,000
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

Fees are invoiced at the beginning of the course and can be paid in two instalments or in one lump sum. Instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Please click the APPLY button to online submit your information for a September 2025 start.

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本模块设计为工作本位、灵活且注重实践的项目,旨在为已获得研究生证书(Postgraduate Certificate)或持有NASENCO资格证书的学员提供进阶学习。该模块由大学联合领导力专家、SEND领域专家,以及行业专业机构SENsible SENCO(创始人Abigail Hawkins女士)共同授课,使您有机会向全球经验最丰富、专业水平领先的全纳教育导师学习。



  • 管理与领导各类利益相关者
  • 协助学校处理复杂且棘手的个案
  • 协助学校应对具有挑战性的家长
  • 培训全体教职员工实现全面包容性教育
  • 文化及组织层面的包容性领导力









本文凭课程衔接研究生证书(Postgraduate Certificate)课程,每年9月至次年5月开设,涵盖两大核心单元。学员需在学年期间参加四次在线培训课程






您将获得全面支持,以培养符合Level 7(硕士)标准的学术写作能力,并接受理论培训、实践能力发展及领导力发展的专项训练。





  • 五项反思作业(每项1,500字)

  • 模块最终作业(8,000至10,000字):整合课程所有学习内容。您将在该模块的组织与规划中获得全方位支持



  • 持有本科学历。如果您的学位并不是由英国大学授予,您还需向ENIC-NARIC机构申请学历对标认证(Statement of Comparability)。ENIC系统要求申请人上传学位证书及成绩单等文件,并支付相应费用。
  • 有很好的英语口语水平和写作水平。这意味着,您或者在高等教育阶段使用英语作为学习语言或拥有6.5分以上的雅思成绩。了解大学接受的英语考试类型和最低成绩标准






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