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ENIC (Previously NARIC) Statement of Comparability

The UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills, UK ENIC, is the UK’s agency for recognising international qualifications and skills. It provides not only the UK’s primary source of information, data and insight on overseas qualifications and education systems, it does a great deal more to help globally mobile people looking to work, study or professionally practice. UK ENIC is one of the world's leading recognition agencies. Over 1,000 universities, colleges, businesses and governments in 62 countries are members of UK ENIC and use their services.

When do you need an ENIC statement?

ENIC Statement of Comparability is used to evidence the level of any qualifications obtained outside the UK for employment, study, professional registration or another reason. The Statement of Comparability confirms how your overseas qualifications compare to the UK qualifications and framework levels.

The University of Buckingham will require an ENIC statement for any overseas qualifications (usually your bachelor’s degree) to confirm your qualification meets their course entry criteria.

How to apply for the ENIC statement?

You can apply for ‘Statement of Comparability’ online at

ENIC will need photographs or scans of your:
- final certificate(s)
- transcript(s)
- certified translations of your documents if your documents are not in English and you are not going to use our Translation Waiver service

For affordable, high-quality certified translations suitable for UK ENIC applications, it is recommended to use Dialexy. (*Dialexy is a specialist certified translation service that focuses on translation for the education and immigration sectors. It has been closely working with UK ENIC/NARIC since 2018.). 


The Statement of Comparability costs approximately £ 50. 

For more information, please visit FAQ’s on the ENIC website.


英国ENIC(前NARIC),英国国家学历学位评估认证中心,是英国转换并认可国际资格证书和技能的专门机构。它不仅可以提供与英国体系对标的海外资格/资质和教育系统的主要信息、数据,还可以为寻求工作、学习或专业实践的全球流动人士提供更多帮助。英国 ENIC 是世界领先的学历、证书、技能转换和认可机构之一。 来自62 个国家的千余所大学、学院、企业和政府机构都是英国 ENIC 的成员并使用他们的服务。





您可以在 在线申请"转换认证(Statement of Comparability)”

ENIC 将需要您如下文件的照片或扫描件:

- 相关证书
- 成绩单
- 如果您的文件不是英文并且您不打算使用ENIC的翻译豁免服务,您需要为该文件提供正式翻译。建议使用Dialexy来得到适用于ENIC 申请的高质量并价格适中的翻译服务(*Dialexy 是一家专注于教育和移民领域的专业翻译机构。它自 2018 年以来一直与ENIC合作)。


转换认证的费用约为 50 英镑。

如需更多信息,请访问 ENIC 网站上的常见问题解答

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