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MA Education (Leading Sport in Schools)



Start date

2 years

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

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This two-year online course is offered in conjunction with ICE Education, who provide training, recruitment and advisory services to stimulate high quality PE and School Sport.

There are approximately 1000 Directors of Sport in UK independent schools, and a similar number in UK curriculum schools overseas. These positions have changed significantly in their structure, operation and success criteria over the last 10 years. The traditional entry route, via PE teaching, does not provide an adequate preparation for the demands of this role. There is currently no specific qualification that either prepares candidates for this role, provides a suitability indicator for employers or improves the performance of incumbents. This programme addresses this.

For those working in international schools, an MA qualification is often required for appointment to SMT roles and in some countries higher qualifications such as Master’s degrees are required for their general teaching body.

This MA is an online programme that is made up of four taught modules and culminates in the awarding of a Master’s degree following the successful completion of a fifth module which is a dissertation. The essence of the course is the development of a broad understanding of the context of school sport and physical activity, current sector issues and the role of the leader in determining a positive sports culture and programme success in schools.

  • Module 1: The Historical Context of Sport and Physical Activity in Schools (25 Credits)
  • Module 2: Contemporary Issues in School Sport and Exercise (25 credits)
  • Module 3: Leadership and Management in School Sport (30 Credits)
  • Module 4: Building a Positive Culture of Sport and Physical Activity (40 credits)
  • Module 5: Education Research Dissertation (60 credits)
  • Total credit value = 180

Course delivery

A 5,000 – 6,000-word written assignment at the end of each module and in one module a presentation. The final dissertation will be 12,000 – 15,000 words.

Materials will be made available for each of the modules so that students can access recorded lectures, online discussion seminars, reading lists and guided study materials from wherever they are in the world.

The course will also encourage students to examine current and historical practices within their own, and other schools, and to research examples of good practice elsewhere. A range of case studies will be presented for analysis and various practical projects will provide students with the opportunity to apply newly discovered research materials to their own school-based context.

Entry requirements

To apply for this course, you must:

  • be working in a school
  • have a bachelor’s degree equivalent to UK degree (2.2 or above)

International applicants must have IELTS, TOEFL or another equivalent qualification with the scores accepted by the University as per the link below:

English Language Requirements


Tuition fee: £6,500
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

Fees are invoiced at the beginning of the course and can be paid in instalments or in one lump sum. Instalments should be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Please click the APPLY button to submit your application. Admissions for September 2025 intake will close on 30 June 2025.

Should you have any further questions, please contact our admissions officer Tracy at [email protected]

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该课程是为期两年的在线课程,由白金汉大学与ICE Education联合推出。ICE Education为促进高质量的体育和学校体育活动,向私立学校提供培训、招聘和咨询服务。



该硕士课程由四个授课模块组成,均采取线上授课模式。成功完成第五个模块——毕业论文后的学生将被授予硕士学位。其中的三个模块结束时要求学生完成5000-6000英文词的小论文,一个模块结束时要求学生做一个主题演讲,而最后的毕业论文要求在12000 – 15000英文词之间。


















如有申请人在截止日期前无法提交部分证明文书,请联系[email protected]以确认最后的宽限时间。

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