When looking back at a year full of challenges and disruptions within the education industry, it is hard to deny that it has been one of uncertainty for many educators. Whilst the schools and teachers are still busy readjusting to the new realities, there is also cause for optimism as opportunities to take the next step on the career ladder for China based teachers have never been better.
As a result of the pandemic, a number of the UK universities, including the University of Buckingham, have transitioned many of their full-time courses online. This allows students based anywhere in the world to study the same content as those in the classroom. The University of Buckingham in conjunction with BISE (China) have just opened course applications for the Autumn 2022 term with more course information available on our website www.bise.org. The qualifications are delivered fully online and are aimed at educators employed at a school through the duration of the course.
We have prepared a brief guide to show the course suitability based on the stage of your career:
You are a novice teacher looking for more professional development.

You are a teacher with some experience and want to learn to conduct educational research and stand out in the school and job market.

You want a special expertise
A) If you wish to become a future leader in the field of physical education.

B) You are working in a boarding school and wish to obtain training and qualifications specific to boarding education

C) You want to be more involved in the development of your school by being a mentor to other novice teachers in addition to your day-to-day teaching.

D) You already hold Qualified Teacher Status and have completed the QST Year, and you wish to become a SENCO in a UK school to help pupils with SEND to meet the learning outcomes.

You want to take a leadership role
If you are a senior teacher, already in a leadership management position in school or interested in leadership management.



A) 如果你正担任体育教师的职位,希望成为体育教育领域的未来领袖。



D)你在已经获得英国教师资格证并完成QST Year的基础上,希望成为英国学校的特殊教育协调员,帮助弱势学生更好地学习成长。
