On November 9th, the Buckingham International School of Education (BISE) and the University of Buckingham (UoB) jointly hosted their annual reception in Beijing, attended by alumni, current students, tutors, mentors, and friends of the BISE community.
The event began with an annual lecture by Professor Barnaby Lenon, Dean of the University of Buckingham, followed by a Q&A session and concluded with a dinner reception. Attendees shared their experiences studying with BISE and insights from their teaching careers, underscoring the strength of BISE’s vibrant, collaborative community.
In his lecture, Professor Lenon shared his insights into the key changes he has witnessed—and led—in UK education. His career includes teaching at Eton for 12 years and serving as Headmaster of Harrow for another 12. Currently, he chairs the Independent Schools Council and has served as a governor for 23 state and independent schools, as well as a board member of Ofqual.

The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session, moderated by Stephen Cook, Director of International Programmes. Thoughtful questions on the role of AI in education, managing multiple curricula in schools, innovations in knowledge delivery, and effective school leadership were discussed, showcasing the dedication of the community to fostering innovation in teaching.
The evening continued with a dinner reception, where attendees from across China connected on a personal level, sharing their experiences studying with BISE and insights from their teaching lives across China.

It was great pleasure to meet and connect with both alumni and current students of BISE from around China. I was heartened to see such a large and strong community. Looking to the future I know that the BISE community will continue to play a strong role in the development of international education in China.
--Matthew Surrey, Teacher at HIKSVS, Current master's student at UoB
It was good to see old friends at the Buckingham International Schol of Education annual lecture in Beijing and to listen to Professor Barnaby Lenon's insightful comparison of education at the beginning of his career to now. Buckingham products are both academically rigorous and evidence based but also highly practical, emphasising how the research must impact on practice and improvement of teacher performance at every level.
--David Mansfield, Chief Academic Officer, ISA Education Group
I enjoyed engaging with global educators after listening to Professor Lenon's inspiring lecture. We shared experiences and achievements in the field of education and exchanged ideas on its development and innovations. Being part of UoB's warm and supportive alumni community is truly rewarding, and I look forward to more opportunities to foster the exchange and advancement of international education in the near future.
--Lucy Di, Vice Principal (OSSD PROGRAM), Beanstalk International Bilingual School
Through discussions of tradition, innovation, and the evolving role of educators, Professor Lenon’s message resonated deeply: while methods and tools may change, the heart of education—fostering knowledge, growth, and resilience—remains constant.
His vision continues to shape the curriculum and programs offered at the University of Buckingham’s School of Education, where, alongside BISE, they work to mould the educators of tomorrow.
The School of Education at the University of Buckingham was founded in 2002. With over 1,300 teachers and school leaders studying there in any one year, the School of Education has become one of Britain’s leading providers of teacher training and professional development. The school is led by Professor Barnaby Lenon CBE who, as headmaster of Harrow School, started two schools in China. He and his team have a wealth of experience globally and in China to offer schools and individual trainees.
BISE in collaboration with the University of Buckingham provides a range of options for China based teachers:
▪ The International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS)
▪ The PGCE for International Trainees
▪ A full series of MA degree courses and a professional doctorate course on Education
Applications for the 25/26 intake for all courses are now open. Please contact the admissions officer Tracy Yang at [email protected] for more information.
活动伊始,白金汉大学校长巴纳比·勒农教授发表了年度演讲,随后进行了问答环节,最后以晚宴形式圆满结束。与会者们互相交流了在BISE的学习经历和教学生涯中的心得,彰显了BISE这个充满活力、富有合作精神的社群的凝聚力。在演讲中,勒农教授分享了他对英国教育变革的深刻见解,他不仅是这些变革的亲历者,更是推动者。他的职业生涯丰富多彩,包括在伊顿公学任教12年,以及在哈罗公学担任校长12年。目前,莱昂教授还担任独立学校委员会(Independent Schools Council)的主席,并且曾经是23所公立和私立学校的校董,以及Ofqual的董事会成员。


--Matthew Surrey, Teacher at HIKSVS, Current master's student at UoB
--David Mansfield, Chief Academic Officer, ISA Education Group
--Lucy Di, Vice Principal (OSSD PROGRAM), Beanstalk International Bilingual School
白金汉大学教育学院成立于2002年,每年有超过1300名教师和学校领导在此深造,是英国提供教师培训和专业发展项目的领军机构之一。学院现任院长Barnaby Lenon教授曾任英国哈罗公学校长,并在中国创办了两所哈罗分校。他和他的团队熟谙中国和海外院校的需求,无论针对教师个人职业发展还是学校整体提升,他们都有着丰富的经验。
在中国,白金汉国际教育学院与英国白金汉大学教育学院合作,为中国地区的教师提供丰富的课程选择, 包括:
· 国际英国教师资格证(iQTS)
· 教师资格研究生证书课程-国际学员(PGCE for International Trainees)
· 一系列完整的硕博学位课程和博士课程
25年入学的课程申请现已开放。请联系我们的招生官Tracy ([email protected]) 了解详细信息。